Lanoy is one of the parish’s most northerly farms. The story of Lanoy involves a farming and a mining heritage as well as a significant place in the history of Methodism in the parish.

From 1945 to 1956 the Dawe family lived at Lanoy. The story of their time here has been recorded by Vernon Dawe.

The following images were taken at Lanoy. Click on these thumbnails for larger images.

William Wallis, the coachman of Squire Pethick

Haymaking on Lanoy Farm

Coad’s Green Band of Hope gathering at Lanoy

Members of the the Bathpool Band of Hope photographed in front of Lanoy House. The two people marked are Albert Jewell (A) and Edith Buckingham (B). Albert and Edith were married in 1915.

Lanoy Cottage, (image with permission of Vernon Dawe)

Squire Pethick

Squire Pethick was a shipping merchant whose business was a partnership with a man named Haycroft. The business operated out of Bristol. Lanoy in North Hill would appear to have been the Squire’s summer residence.

The company operated a ship named "Lanoy" which sailed to and from Uruguay carrying hide, tallow and bone. The barque "Lanoy" was a 229 ton sailing ship was built by Cox and Sons in Bideford 1869. Some of the shipping details were documented by the Bristol Mercury newspaper:

  • 11 Oct 1873 - The "Lanoy" newly arrived from Smyrna with 240 tons of valonia (tree bark used in tanning) and 40 tons of emery stone for the Levant Mineral Co. Due out under her master 'Beer' bound for Paysander with a cargo for Turner Edwards & Co.
  • 1 Nov 1878 - The "Lanoy" arrived from Montevideo, Uruguay for Haycroft& Pethick with 5000 wet hides, 285 pipes, 40 half pipes of tallow and a quality of horn piths. She was loaded and returned to Montevideo straight away under her master 'Gibbs'.
  • 10 Jun 1884 - The "Lanoy" arrived from Paysander with 9000 salted hides, 110 pipes and 40 half pipes of tallow, 8860 of horns and 8 tons of bones.
  • Aug 1885 - from Villa Colon, the "Lanoy" brought 90 pipes & 40 half pipes of tallow, 900 wet hides, 11027 ox & cow horns, a quantity of bones, 3 cases of tongues and a quantity of firewood.

In the Greenwich Maritime Museum there is a special knot called the Diamond Knot, which was invented on the "Lanoy". It is a diamond knot, the base made from four-stranded line, with a note: “This is not the usual form of sinnet knot but one learned by Captain Taylor when he was an Apprentice In Sail in the barquentine "Lanoy" at the turn of the century (1897-1901)”.

Our thanks go to Jo McGinnes who now lives in the house at Lanoy for her input on Lanoy, the "Lanoy" and Squire Pethick.

The images at the top of the page show are taken from the images on the page