WW1 & WW2 Roll of Honour

The 4th of August 2014 marked the centenary of the outbreak of World War One.

The North Hill Local History group prepared a book, ”The Fallen of North Hill Parish”, to remember the men and the woman with connections to the parish who lost their lives in this conflict. This book is packed with biographical details of the fallen showing you their life stories, images and connections with North Hill, Coad’s Green and other places in and around the parish. It has been researched and written by local people about local people.

The book is priced “At Least £3” and proceeds from the sale of the book are donated to the Royal British Legion (Launceston).

Copies of the book are still available by contacting the Chair of our Group at the address at the foot of this page, but hurry as supplies are running out. Information that has been discovered since it was first published, can be found on this website by accessing the named casualties on the Roll of Honour.

The book was launched on 3rd August 2014 at a presentation, display and book launch at North Hill Village Hall. Images of the day and the posters used can be seen below. Posters include some moving stories and posters about ‘our’ casualties and World War One.

We are grateful to the North Hill Parish Council who provided the funding for this project.

Book Launch, 3 August 2014 - Book Reviews

“I would like to say that I think they have done an outstanding job. I think the Parish should be very proud of the publication and on my behalf of the Parish Council, I would like to say a big Thank You”.
Brian Ruby, Chairman of North Hill Parish Council

“As Secretary of the Launceston Branch of the Royal British Legion, I was most impressed by the research and depth of feeling shown in this commemorative booklet, and am sure that it will mean a great deal to the families of the ‘Fallen’ in the parish. As well as dealing with the welfare of those who have returned from warfare, the Legion considers itself the ‘Custodian of Remembrance’, and I am so pleased that others are helping us in this task, for ‘We Will Remember Them!’”.
Ann Gynn, Secretary of the Launceston Branch of the Royal British Legion

“In producing the book, the History Group have shown their dedication and tenacity for research. They have also afforded us Parishioners an opportunity to learn more about the men [and woman] from North Hill who sacrificed their lives”.
Carleton Mayer, Editor of the North Hill Parish Magazine

Book Launch, 3 August 2014 - Posters

Some of the posters used at the book launch that feature the fallen with a North Hill connection (click to view the related pdf file). You can view the stories of the fallen from the Roll of Honour.

Names on NH War Memorial

William Werry Landrey

Elsie Humphrey



Ernest Jeffery

Cecil Kelly

Mark Duance's Medal Roll

Leonard Bartlett's attestation

1901 census - Foott family

Names on other memorials

Three photos of our fallen

Edred Buckingham's service record

Book Launch, 3 August 2014 - Poems

Poems used at the book launch (click to view the related pdf file)

Here Dead We Lie

I Have A Rendezvous With Death



Thiepval Monument


The Death of Harry Patch

In Memoriam

Mine Sweeping Trawlers


The Veteran

Leaving For The Front

When You See The Millions Of The Mouthless Dead

Book Launch, 3 August 2014 - Other Posters

Some of the generic posters used at the book launch that provide background to the stories of the fallen (click to view the related pdf file).



Pip, Squeak & Wilfred

Recruitment poster for stokers Commemorative Plaque (01) Commemorative Plaque (02)

Book Launch, 3 August 2014 - Images from the event

Images of local people at the book launch (click to view the related pdf file).

Display boards and audio-visual presentation.

Sheila Howard talking with Dave & Gill Naylor.

Marina Pridham reading the WW1 newspapers.

Nick Deacon, our military history expert, chatting with Bill and Mary Budge over a cup of tea.

Our youngest attendees with their father watching the images of WW1.

Doreen came from Launceston. She is Mark Duance’s niece.

Chris Fuge came from Boscastle. He is also related to Mark Duance

Roy and Richard Brawn, relatives of Leonard Bartlett.

Sheila Howard and Mary Ripper at Dave & Gill Naylor’s display.

Peter Bailey who has written the histories of the South Petherwin fallen.

Studying the pages taken from today’s Sunday newspapers.

Reverend Anne Brown learning about the Battle of The Somme.

The images at the top of the page show the cover of "The Fallen of North Hill Parish" flanked by the scroll (left) and plaque (right) sent to the families of the fallen.