Botternell Farm is on the B3254 opposite the turn to Kingbear. Most of the fields and woods which made up the farm are now owned by other farmers and it is now a group of five homes.

The present day Botternell is north of the parish boundary which divides North Hill from Linkinhorne. In the past it has been known as North Botternell, North Butternell and even Portindle. A few yards away to the south, across the parish boundary in Linkinhorne there was a farm known as South Botternell. It is sometimes difficult to know when looking at historical documents whether the writer, when writing ‘Botternell’ was referring to Botternell in North Hill, Botternell in Linkinhorne or an agglomeration of both, indicating a wider area.

You can see an expansive history of Botternell in North Hill here (8.5mb – pdf) or an abbreviated version here (1.5mb – pdf).

The Sargent family that lived and farmed here were involved in a court case at the Petty Sessions in 1903. They also lost a son George Sargent during WW1 who was serving with the Royal Canadian Navy. Read more ..

July 1930 – Western Morning News “House Martin Competition”

The images at the top of the page show (L-R): The visit of Prince Charles, Duke of Cornwall, to Botternell Farm in 1994; the present day farmhouse at Botternell; the grade II listed milestone outside Botternell on the B3254 showing 8 miles to Launceston and 7¾ miles to Liskeard