“It is provided by Article 1 of the Poor Law Board’s General Order for Accounts dated the 14th of January 1867 that the Overseers shall … punctually enter and accurately keep according to the Forms … a Rate Book.

In this book shall be inserted the particulars of the assessment and Collection of the Poor Rate of the Parish.”

The Details In the Rate Book

Name of Occupier | Name of Owner | Description of Property | Name or Situation of the Property
Estimated Extent [acreage] | Rateable Value | Amount of Rate | Amount Collected

You can access the details of the Rate Book here .. Excel 97-2003 spreadsheet 770kb
You can access the details of the Rate Book here .. pdf 1mb

A typical page looks like this:

The Rate Book has been reproduced with the kind permission of Brian Ruby.

Some Particulars

Names shown in the Rate Book

Abbott | Abell | Ainger | Andrew | Archer | Ash | Babb | Barrett | Barriball | Bartlett | Barwood | Bell | Bennett | Billing | Blight & Co | Bond | Boundy | Box | Brown | Buckingham | Budge | Burnaford | Caunter | Chubb | Coad | Cobbledick | Cole | Colmer | Colwill | Cornish | Couch | Coumbe | Crage | Davey | Dawe | Dawes | Deacon | Dent | Dingle | Dingle & Co | Dinnis | Doney | Downing | Duance | Duchy of Cornwall | Dunning | Dymond | Empson | Evans | Foott | Forse | Freeman & sons | Fuge | Fuge & Son | Gard & Co | Gard now Lawry | Goodman | Grant | Gribble | Grimmond | Grylls | Grylls & Co | Gynn | Halls | Haly | Hampton | Hancock | Harris | Hawke | Hawken | Heard | Hicks | Hillson | Hoare | Hockey | Hocking | Holman | Horrell | Hurden | Huxham | Jane | Jasper | Jeffrey | Johns | Jones | Kent | Kittow | Knight | Lake | Landry | Lawrence | Lawry | Lee | Luskey | Martin | Maunder | Medland | Miers | Mitchell | Morcomb | Moyse | Moyse now Foott | Northey | Olver | Palmer | Pasco | Pearn | Peter | Pethick | Quick | Reading Room | Reed | Rice | Roberts | Rodd | Rogers | Rowe | Rundle | Sargent | Sawyer | Sleep | Sloman | Smeeth | Snell | Spear and Brothers | Stacey | Stephen | Stephens | Strike | Tellem | Thompson | Tinney | Tredinnick | Trehane | Trewen | Treys | Trustees | Trustees Castick | Trustees Grylls | Trustees Wm Pethick | Tucker | Turner | Venning | Vincent | Vosper | Vyvian | Wadge | Wakem | Wallis | Ware | Warne | Weeks | Wevill | Willcock | Williams | Willing | Wilton | Woods

The Extent

Area = 5773 acres 1 rood 15 poles = 9 square miles = 2336 hectares

Amount to Be Collected = £336 0s1d

Place Names

Addicroft and Berrio | Bastreet | Bathpool | Bathpool Down and North Park | Batten Cottage | Batten Mill | Battens | Bearah | Bearah | Berrio | Berrio Bridge | Berrio Lodge | Berrio Middlewood | Bladder | Blyths | Botternell | Botternell & Bathpool | Bowda | Bowhayland | Carey Tor | Castick | Coad's Green | Congdon's Shop | Davey Basla(?) | Downfield | East Berrio | East Lawn | East Lawn, Illand | East Tremollett | Foott Church Town | Glebe | Glubhole | Green Sauce & Harriwell | Greenpits | Greenpits and Studley Park | Half Acre | Hatches Park | Hawks Tor | Hawks Wood | High Lawn | Illand | Industry | Kilmar and Bearah Tor | Kingbear | Kingbear and Middlewood | Landreyne | Langstone | Lanoy | Lawn | Lawn & Pony Field | Lemearne | Lewarne | Longaford | Lynher | Mean Hill | Meanhill | Middle Tremollett | Middlewood | Middlewood Hill | Morylls | New Drive | Newhams | Newtown | North Hill | North Hill (destroyed) | North Hill Village | North Park | Old Flower Garden | part of Glebe | Part of Pethins | part of Trefuge | Penhole | Portland | Priors | Rawdown | Rectory | Ridge | Slippera | South Battens | Southground | Stonaford | Stonaford Marsh | Stonaford Stones | Swiss Cottage | Tenor Park | Tolcarne | Trebartha | Trebartha Barton | Trebartha Farm | Trebartha Hall | Trebartha Lodge | Trebartha Mill | Trebartha Village | Trefuge | Trefuge | Trefuge & Trewithy | Trefursdon | Trekernel | Tremollet | Tresilland | Treswell | Treswell Green | Treveniel | Trewithy | Trewortha | Tryhill | Uphill | Warren Park | Waterland | Way Cross | Waygate Park | West Castick | West Illand | West Lawn | West Mays | West Tremollett | Westaways | Willincote

The image at the top of this page shows extracts from the Rate Book and the embossed cover detail.